Everyday Thoughts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Living the Sabbath Rest

Everyone has been asking us if we've found a new house to move into yet and my answer is still, "We haven't gotten the final word yet, but God's got this!"

I recently finished reading Genesis and felt prompted to start digging into Hebrews, the book of faith. This morning, I read chapter 3, which oddly enough happened to be all about houses at the start of the chapter, and then continued on into chapter 4, which talks a lot about entering into His rest and mentioned the Sabbath. After reading that chapter, I happened to check my FaceBook and had my memories from this day over the last several years show up in my notifications. Guess what was one of my memories from this day last year??? A post about me actually taking a Sabbath day of rest with my family.

God had my attention.

People haven't understood how we could wait patiently and not be freaking out about not having a solid answer on a house that we're hoping to move into in 4 days, but we know that God's got this. We don't have a Plan B. I know that sounds totally crazy, but God has confirmed in a really unique way that this is the house, so we're waiting on Him. We know that He'll make all the pieces fall into place and the timing will be perfect. If we've somehow missed it, then we've missed it and we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

In the meantime, our plan is to hold steadfast to the end, believing in the One who built the house in the first place and we're giving Him all of the glory along the way (Heb. 3: 3-6, 14). We're determined to remain steadfast in our hearts and in doing so, we know that we'll enter His rest - the very opposite of the Israelites who wandered in the desert for 40 years and were denied entrance into the Promised Land, the land of rest, because their hearts were hardened, they tested and tried God, and they went astray in their hearts despite having seen God move miraculously in their midst (vs. 8-11). We've seen God move miraculously in so many ways and because of that, we have steadfast faith that He'll do it again.

We're planning on enjoying entering His rest because "we who have believed do enter that rest" (Heb. 4: 3).

Are you finding rest in Him? It's yours for the taking. Believe, have faith, hold steadfast in your confidence in Him to the end and enter His rest.

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